Living in Canada can be wonderful

Living in Canada can be wonderful

Canada as a destination for those who seek new horizons to live in, rates high on everyone’s list. The number of those immigrating keeps growing on a yearly basis. While the usual image of Canada is a little romanticized with the images of the falls and the mountains, and it is famous for its maple syrup and leaves, the people are also known to be friendly and warm. Their US neighbour often joke about the niceness of their Canadian counterparts.

Also one should know that Canada is a lot more organized and efficient when it comes to government services and organisations. While other countries often struggle with the paperwork and the red tape associated with immigration, Canada is a lot easier regarding the procedures and it has an economy that is growing by leaps and bounds and that makes it attractive for those who wish to have a new life and career overseas.  It is also a lot safer than most countries.

The plethora of government benefits also makes it extremely attractive once you are a citizen. There are the education programmes which ensure that every child has access to quality education irrespective of their financial backing or status.

Once you have been working for a while, you qualify for unemployment benefits in the event that the company has layoffs, or one gets dismissed. As long as the person qualifies under the eligibility criteria, the government provides unemployment benefits to tide the person over a tough time.

The aged are also well taken care of, as there is the pension. This is affected by how long one has been living in Canada as a citizen of course and what has been the person’s contribution to the economy of Canada while they were capable of working. The benefits of Canada’s medical benefits have often been touted as an example to other nations and needs no further introduction.