Strengthening Indian-Canadian Ties and Trade

Strengthening Indian-Canadian Ties and Trade

While there are those who feel that the Canadian Premier Justin Trudeau was not received with the same aplomb that other heads of state have been, all fears have been put to rest as the objective behind the visit seems to have been achieved. Over 60 new contracts have been signed, with the amount totalling to about a billion and seeking to generate new jobs in the thousands for Canada.

Mr. Trudeau who is still in India and has travelled many parts of the country as part of his trip, just recently made the revelation. The new deals that are seeking influx of investment funds from India made by a different Indian companies and firms which will be about a quarter of a billion; and the same shall be reciprocated by Canada which will make investments of over 700 million in India.

Canadian officials stated that the rise of India as a global power has been followed with great interest by Canada and it makes sense to strengthen ties between the two nations.  They also stated that India had very little knowledge about Maple Leaf Country which is where the Indian investments shall be ploughed in till now, and the change in perception of the Country is now making it an attractive proposition for the foreign investors. That Maple Leaf Country had more to offer than simply its natural resources.

The head of the Birla Industry stated that they have plans in producing fibre, carbon black and rolled aluminium products at the moment and that Canada makes sense as it has a business friendly support which is what the government in India approves of. The Modi government is India has always maintained the promotion of business interests and this new manoeuvre is a good example of that dedication.