309 Partner Temporary Visa

PR Visa Australia – 309 Partner Temporary Visa is the type of visa provided to the people who are generally living together but are not married. The country thus provides 4 years of temporary Visa rather than the permanent visa.

PR Visa Australia – 309 Partner Temporary Visa will allow the applicants to: –

  • Study and work in the country
  • Become a citizen within 2 years of stay
  • Significant tax benefits
australia pr visa,immigration australia
The basic requirements for 309 Partner Temporary Visa are: –

  • The sponsor needs to be an Australian or New Zealand citizen
  • The couples must be live-in relationship for at least 12 months
  • The couples must be living together and any separation must only be temporary
  • The sponsor must not have sponsored a spouse with the previous 5 years
  • Dependent children under the age of 18 are included under this Visa with provided evidence of the guardianship
  • Other dependent family members are also allowed if evidence is provided to the Immigration department that the person is fully dependent either financially or emotionally

If you think, you are eligible for the same, then contact us now.</a

Is Partner Visa temporary?
To be eligible for a permanent partner visa you first need to be granted a temporary partner visa.  If you are granted the temporary visa, you are eligible to be assessed for the permanent Partner visa (subclass 801) about two years after you lodged your application.
What is partner visa 820?
There are two types of Partner Visas: Subclass 820 and Subclass 801. The Subclass 820 visa is a temporary partner visa that allows you to live in Australia. The Subclass 820 visa is the first stage towards a permanent Partner Visa(Subclass 801). ... An Australian permanent resident. An eligible New Zealand citizen.
How much is a partner visa in Australia?
The application fee is the main cost associated with the Australian Partner visa. The current (2016) fee is $6,865 AUD. This is the cost whether you apply in Australia or overseas and it covers the temporary visa, followed by the permanent visa application.Nov 30, 2016
Can you work on a 820 visa?
No. You must remain on your 457  visa until it expires. If your 457  visa is cancelled whilst your 820 partner visa is processing, you will go onto a Bridging Visa E (BVE). You cannot leave Australia on a BVE and this visa does not have work rights.
Can I marry an Australian to become a citizen?
If you are engaged to an Australian citizen or permanent resident, then you may enter Australia on a Prospective Marriage Visa (Subclass 130) and marry your intended. ... To become a permanent resident, you must marry your Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen partner.
What is a de facto partner?
de facto relationship is defined in Section 4AA of the Family Law Act 1975. The law requires that you and your former partner, who may be of the same or opposite sex, had a relationship as a couple living together on a genuine domestic basis.
What is a partner visa in Australia?
Partner Visas for Australia. To be eligible for a Partner Visa you must be married to, or in a de facto (common law) relationship, with an Australian citizen or permanent resident. Interdependent, or same sex partners are also eligible. Under the Partner Visa, your partner must sponsor you for a period of 2 years.
Can Australian permanent residency expire?
A 5-year initial travel facility, which corresponds to the underlying migration program, is granted alongside the permanent residency. Until the travel facility expires, the visa holder may leave and re-enter Australia freely. Permanent residents are not entitled to an Australian passport.